How do you know if you need an employee assessment? 1 in 4 of your…
The article “Assessing Adverse Outcomes and Learning Needs in Canadian Psychiatric Independent Medical Examinations” published…
Integra is pleased to announce Bob LaBreceque has joined our team as Director of Business…
We are thrilled and proud to officially announce and share the BIG NEWS that our…
If an employee requires a fitness to work or medical assessment, this is your guide…
If an employee requires a fitness to work or medical assessment, this is your guide…
Our founder, Erica Enstrom, is always eager for the opportunity to give back to the…
On June 2, 2022, Integra presented a $3000 donation to Empowered Black Girl to support…
On August 10, 2020 Section 12 of the Evidence Act was revised to restrict the…
Drunk driver and host establishment found liable for plaintiff’s catastrophic injuries including severe traumatic brain…
Award for mild traumatic brain injury, psychological and soft tissue injuries exceeds $1.1 million.
Even though the plaintiff in this case was forced to make a career change that…
Firefighter unable to return to full duties is awarded $750,000.00 for loss of future earning…
This case requires consideration of the “crumbling skull” versus “thin skull” principles and the application…
Locomotive engineer has not been accommodated by his employer, CN Rail. Judge awards $650,000.00 for…
Judge orders Plaintiff to attend Defendants’ medical assessments in person despite Covid-19 pandemic. Mierzejewski v….
Judge finds plaintiff’s pre-existing condition was stable and applied the “thin skull” principle . Basi…
Judge finds whiplash injury progressed to chronic pain syndrome and was made worse by depression….
Court awards $350,000 to food service worker for future loss of income. Purewal v. Uriarte…
Judge agrees with experts that a change in career is a real and substantial possibility…
Judge agrees with experts that a change in career is a real and substantial possibility…
Judge finds the defendant 100% liable and awards $1.8 million to the Plaintiff, despite pre-existing…
Despite increased earnings post-collision, Court finds Plaintiff has suffered loss of capacity.
Khakh v…
Judge awards $536,587.00 to Plaintiff who was unable to continue in her “dream job”…
The Reasons for Judgment of The Honourable Mr. Justice Marchand were given at Kamloops on…
Judge awards $1.6 million to truck driver traumatized by fatal collision. Kempton v. Struke Estate,…
Insurance Company’s medical experts support Plaintiff’s claim for CAT determination. Judge awards benefits retroactively, plus…
Reasons for Judgment of The Honourable Madam Justice Adair were given on December 23, 2020.
Contact tracing, what it is, how it works, what some of the challenges are…
Medical Case Management (MCM) is a process of coordinating comprehensive healthcare…
Due to the current circumstances, many office workers are now working…
Integra is experienced in all aspects of Functional Capacity Evaluations…
Every business, every team, every industry is facing incredibly unique circumstances in…
Every business, every team, every industry is facing incredibly unique circumstances in…
Physical Distancing, Engineering Controls, Administrative Control and PPE
During this time of physical distancing, Integra has initiated the use of screening tools to…
During this time of physical distancing, Integra has initiated the use of telemedicine to conduct…