COVID-19 Update: In-Person Assessment

During this time of physical distancing, Integra has initiated the use of screening tools to ensure the health and safety of examinees, medical professionals, Integra staff, and our communities at large by enhancing physical distancing in our facilities.
Where possible, we encourage clients to take advantage of the use of technology to perform components of, or where appropriate, entire assessments.
For those requiring in-person examination, not earlier than one to two business days in advance of an in-person visit with a medical professional, each examinee shall receive a COVID-19 screening questionnaire by telephone or if necessary, by email from a trained Integra employee.
Any individual with active illness, or with a household member with active illness, an individual or household member who is suspected to have COVID-19, or an individual or household member who has traveled in the past 14 days will have his/her assessment postponed at no charge.
Onsite at Integra’s managed facilities, the following protocol will be observed:
- Interaction between examinee and Integra will be limited to a single employee at our facility and the examining medical professional.
- Anyone undertaking in person interaction with examinees will be behind an acrylic shield or, where no shield exists, wear a surgical mask, or both.
- Upon arrival, all examinees will be required to wash his/her hands in the washroom facilities.
- All examinees will be provided with a single use surgical mask upon arrival.
- Physical distancing will be in place for all interactions with staff.
- The facility will be sanitized between each assessment using medical grade sterilization wipes.
- The number of individuals passing through our facility is closely monitored daily.
As a result of the necessity for physical distancing, only examinees will be permitted access to facilities. For the purposes of maintaining physical distancing, please ask those who are sent for in-person assessments to refrain from having family members or friends attend with them to our facilities, as they will not be granted access to our office.
We have rearranged our facility such that there is a minimum of 2m between each examinee in the facility waiting area and we will be ensuring that there is no interaction between examinees attending our facility.
Examinee safety has always been our top priority; if any individual is concerned about attending his/her examination, it should be postponed to a later date.
Our medical director, Dr. Chris Watt, continues to monitor public health officer guidance and we will adjust our practices to that guidance.